New Mobile Rocket ID Launching for Employees Aug. 15

August 15, 2023 | News, UToday
By Calvin Sweeney

The University of Toledo, in partnership with Transact, is launching Rocket Mobile ID, an all-access pass available to employees through Apple Wallet, Google Wallet and Samsung Wallet, beginning Tuesday, Aug. 15.

Providing campus accessibility and convenience via a smartphone or smartwatch, Rocket Mobile ID can be used to enter a building, check out library material and make purchases at campus stores.

“We are excited to bring this innovative technology to the UToledo Community,” said Brian Kulpa, executive director of Auxiliary Services. “It allows us to distribute the official University ID along with a contactless ID in a secure manner. The mobile technology allows our campus community to interact with our services in a way that is more secure, more convenient and totally frictionless. It is a real game changer.”

To set up your Rocket Mobile ID, employees will need to complete the following:

•  Ensure you are set up for MultiFactor Authentication.

•  Request a Rocket Card from your MyUT portal if you have not already done so. If ordering a new Rocket Card, you will need to wait for confirmation that it has been printed before proceeding with the next step.

•  Download the Transact eAccounts app, authenticate with your University credentials and then add your Rocket Mobile ID to your Apple Wallet, Google Wallet or Samsung Wallet. For more information or help setting up your Rocket Mobile ID, please visit the FAQ page.

When you enroll in the Rocket Mobile ID program your physical ID will be disabled for doors, dining and library access but can still be used for certain features such as printing services.

The Rocket Mobile ID will roll out to all UToledo students beginning in October.


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